Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Single Signal

Leaving again for Boston - boots and coats and winter.

It's Spring here and an hour out in the back this afternoon let me soak it all in.

The warm sun, the brilliant new green of the hills, almond and cherry blossoms in huge puffy sprays against the clear blue sky.

Line it all up and take it all in. Just breathe until I can feel the joy of those new blossoms and that clear sky.

Now it's time to walk the talk. It is time to be the single signal of intent, rather than the erratic signals of cross purposes, emotional upheaval and long standing pain.

I don't know if I can do it. It's supposed to be impossible, after all, to look at something unwanted, which causes emotional response and not feel it. But I think if I can alter the point of view of my gaze, I can do it.

I see the long scrub brush and tree lined road to Kea'au before me. Glistening with freshly fallen rain. I am driving and holding a vision perfectly steadily in my minds eye. At the end of that road there is a service station that can give me the stickers for my car. I have no reason to think I should get them. I haven't got the right papers and my flashers aren't working either...

But I am not worried. I'm just strangely convinced that I can make this all work if I just see it that way without tyrant to figure it out. I fill the entire path between me and my destination with light and just keep it all steady.

Now I will do the same thing in Boston. I will turn my gaze and fill the pathways and roads and places I will visit with light and trust and then I will simply walk through it to the other side.

In Hawaii it worked so well it was over before I even realized what had happened. In less than five minutes my last 2 dollars had replaced a flasher bulb, the attendant had muttered that no one ever had the right paperwork (I certainly didn't) and completed the job without even an inquiry as to what I might think I was doing...

I don't think I fully comprehended what had happened there for a long time afterwards. Sometimes I think I still don't.

But if there is no joy in it, it's not worth doing and since I've chosen to make this trip I will find the joy in it and "milk it for all it's worth" as they say.

I have plenty to be grateful for. Tom and Dan will be with me the first couple of days, and that's just sweet. I know we'll have a lot of fun. And after that it will only be the weekend and then I'll be headed home again.

And best of all, I have this afternoon in the sun on the back hill. I can close my eyes and go there any time I want, and remind myself that I will be there again, in only a week.

I can even hear eagle over head, doing his evening call. Looping down over the slopes and ravines in lazy arcs. Brilliant in the afternoon sunlight. The ripple of the breeze through his wing tips sends shivers up my spine.

So I am well taken care of. And I can remember that, in the face of anything, so long as I remember to be my own best friend. My own best traveling companion, literally, as it turns out this week any how!

Set the single signal of intent and well being without attachment. It feels as if the old ties fall away, and you are left simply expecting something good without worry or judgment. Lo and behold, something good arrives!

Lining up with whatever you have already decided or begun or intended, and choosing not to go back on your own impulse, or intent. It's just a decision to stop dividing your own mind over things you are doing. Once you decide, everything looks different.

The first thing you notice is that you are no longer so invested in the details of the outcome. Oh, you want it to go well, but you are not fearful it won't. Nor do you feel a need to try to control how it happens.

If I can master that over this week, I'll have finally mastered, at least for a little bit, the single signal.

well, I'm sure I'll move around a good bit on the way. But I'll keep pointing in that direction.

til next week then.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Speaking of Vibration

Everything happening on the cutting edge these days is coming up vibration.

From Virginia Hunt to Abe, and all the "teachers" in the "movement", vibration is all the rage.

Vibration. The movement of energy, the speed of beingness.

Our human physical calculating and measuring selves want to categorize it. Label it. Rate it as A to Z Good to Bad.

Our creative environment is simply a direct reflection of the whole of vibration in action. We become aware of it and think we need to "do" something in order to "fix" something...

It never dawns on us that we are simply observing the perfection of creative expansion as it exists. Nothing to fix. No matter what our personal relationships may seem to demonstrate to the contrary.

Only an endless becoming.

Walking on this road where death is ever present, these last years, I've come to appreciate a new perspective of awareness. When I meander in my inner worlds, visiting places and scenes, people and other allies of the inner world; I've come to wonder, over time, if the essential elements of memory, of conjuring, of entering a particular environment with particular other participants, either as memory clips of their actions or as new conversations with their perspectives, is not as, or more "real" in the vibrational hierarchy.

We speak of "raising our vibration" by meditation, or joyful pursuit, or whatever means we endeavor. To what? Have "faster moving energy"? What is that?

It is consistent connection to our joy.
It is nothing more than finding our place of peace with the now and expecting good from that place.

It's why we love babies.

They do it so naturally, they hypnotize us into joining them!

But if "higher" is real in our linear human sense of thinking, then "thought" is higher than physical matter. It vibrates at a "higher" frequency.

So our other teachers of the age, rushing in to explain would tell us that the physical is the lowest form of consciousness possible!

We are the lowest most dejected of all.

Hard fleshy messy bodies.

Oh Dear.

I think I have found a way of thinking about this subject that will clear up a lot of confusion.

First off, I'm not entirely sure that the realm of our mind is not, indeed the more flexible and superior of the realms. It has huge power and influence and capacity to shape and create as wide as its own ability to imagine. All good.

But the physical creation, now this is something so magnificent, so spectacular as to be stunning simply in its very existence.

If you are wondering about this and unclear, simply remove your gaze from the human realm and into that of the purely natural world. Without human perspective to overlay and advise. Just go look at the world.

You will not find yourself finding fault with the world. You won't be saying "oh hey you tree, your limbs are too short, and mountain, you are not high enough. Hey, and sky, you are not bright enough.

You will instead, be hypnotized by their innate and perfect beauty, even if they are scrawny specimens according to their kind. You won't know and you won't care. You will not separate yourself from what is perfect and beautiful and right in the world by observing them.

In the moments of that silent interaction, you will feel that same powerful inner stirring that you feel in any inner dream. Peace and clarity. As you observe and feel and become completely immersed in the experience of now you will transcend now and make it a touch stone in the land of forever.

Your powerful awareness and observation and experience of it will create it as something everlasting within you. YOU will become the conscious awareness that can carry this awareness and knowing across the borders of time and space and in and out of the physical.

You, in your awareness are the traveler between worlds who can know all there is in the sum and details of its parts.

In this way, you are God. You are the extension of the awareness of what is and what is possible and you are capable of creating and enlarging upon a memory, a dream, an idea...

Now do you begin to understand where the world came from?

Sweet Garden
Spinning in the Dreamer's Eye
All her lands are
Hidden in the trees
The universe is pleased
and sends the dreamer

back to sleep

Now we must awake
Take back take back your power
Every minute of every hour
Every move you make
Every Breath you take
Every thing you do
It’s all up to you.

We are empowered to fill our now moments according to our focus
upon anything
what uplifts or torments us
Only we have the power to choose

Our focused attention upon that which scorches us
burns us

no one else.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Power of Perspective

There is plenty to read about the power of thought. It's a subject that has been at the forefront of modern thinking for quite some time.

What you Think About You Bring About

What you Focus on Expands

Where your Attention Goes, Energy Flows

These are statements all directly reflective of the understanding of e=mc2. Everything is energy and everything is in motion.

While it's true that most of us grew up with this discovery as a part of our awareness; it is also true that most of us had no idea what the implications of that awareness were/are.

As we begin to tie all these pieces together, we find two constants: energy and motion.

The atoms swirling in objects and in our own bodies, the constant becoming-ness of our life experience. We never stop "growing" or "Passing" until we are "gone".

Thoughts may be the fastest form of energy we'll ever know. They are very swift.

However, they are, conversely, very slow. That is, you do not have the power of thought to think "glass of water" and materialize a glass of water out of thin air. This is good. If we had that power we would quickly descend into chaos!

Instead, we have the power to contemplate, muse, ponder and imagine.

Einstein also said that the power to imagine was the greatest of our powers.

The non-stop action/motion of life provides the power of the present moment. It is
this motion which allows us to think thoughts gather them and add to them. When we look at the birth of an idea and how it unfolds we can see clearly that energy and motion are both involved.

Our lives are full of these individual moments which, when strung together become something we call "our life". We cannot step outside of our now moment to any other point in time, forward or backward. However, we have the power to take any point in time in the present and transform it into the energy and motion signature of any memory, observation or imaginative new potential.

We can use our present moment to contemplate what we despise or what we desire, and when we do this, which we are always doing, whether we pay much attention to how we do it or not, we transform the energy of our present awareness to that energy/motion signature. This is why many people can be said to be "not present" in their present. They are mentally and emotionally engaged in their own internal reaction of their own past experience triggered by a current event or circumstance.

When we learn to step back from our lives and actually take this message seriously, we have the power to intentfully turn our gaze and add unto the world. Until we learn it, we have no power to uplift, simply because we have not yet understood the true power we hold.

Thoughts can be misleading, though. It is not difficult to become "lost" in thoughts. It is quite easy, particularly if you have a penchant for deeply and questioningly observing the world around you.

This is why finding our own internal ability to guide our perspective requires more than just a simple understanding of thought. It requires the integration of our thought with the knowing that is held in our feelings.

Our emotional bodies, conveniently centered right around our "gut", tell us what our feeling response to any observation or thought we ponder, is. When we feel ill, or upset or scared, the first place we feel it is in out gut. "That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach" Everyone knows what it is.

That feeling center is not making any judgments about the specifics of what is going on in your thoughts: it is simply telling you directly what those thoughts or observations feel like in relationship to well being.

When you are following your inspiration and exuberant and joyful in your life, your gut feels great. It' isn't sending signals of warning through negative emotion to tell you that you are headed in the wrong direction. It is joining you in a happy inspired creative moment of life!

We all have our own internal system of knowing. We can, at any time, look out into the world and see others who are doing things so differently than we at that we think "How can they do that?" But ultimately, it is our own relationship to these two aspects of our experience: how we think and feel. Think and Feel. That determine the quality and details of our life experience.

Perspective is the ability to observe ourselves within this balancing act in motion and make gentle course corrections, little changes in how we choose to spend our attention: what we choose to think about, and how we choose to feel.

In the end it is taking the helm of your own ship. It is the power to determine how your life will be for you.

While it is true you can discuss it with your friends, or contemplate it's meanings with the people close to you, in the end what it really means is that you make your own choices based on specific sound guidance from within yourself. You decide.

That is the pinnacle of accomplishment in human terms. There are no short cuts on this path, because you can ask for outside advice but no one outside of you has the unique feeling/thinking mechanisms within you to tell them what is really going on: only you know.

What we think and feel and give our attention to regularly becomes, in the end, our life. How we feel as we go through it determines the quality of that life.

You cannot make a better world, a bigger success or any other good thing from a place of feeling hopeless, angry, in despair or suffering. You cannot "save" another from their fate, whether it be starvation, poverty, disease or anguish, by joining them in that suffering. Becoming poor doesn't make anyone else rich. Becoming sick makes no one else well.

When we act as if they did, as if our paying attention and feeling pain due to someone else's pain was somehow helping, we lose our power to assist. When we instead, use our feelings and thoughts to follow our highest dream of well being for whatever that pain is we have observed outside of ourselves, we can uplift.

But unless and until we have learned to "ride the wave" of our experience joyfully and with love, we have nothing to give to the world. When you think of this internally, it is sometimes confusing and hard to grasp. It feels "wrong" to feel "good". Isn't that interesting?

But when you simply move one person out from yourself: it makes perfect sense. For example: you have two friends. One is successful, happy, interesting and always interested in things, the other is depressed and angry all the time. Who do you prefer to spend time with? You'd probably have lots of good reasons all about "helping" to spend time with the depressed angry one, but even if you did, you would have to admit the cheerful interesting one would be your CHOICE in terms of how you will feel when you are around them.

You cannot uplift the world from pain and suffering by complaining, protesting or finding what is wrong with the world. That's going in the wrong direction. The only thing you can do, if you really mean it when you say you want to direct your own life into something positive for the world, is to find your OWN joy.

For so many this is a daily struggle because so many of us have taught ourselves to do the right thing and feel all these negative feelings about all the "bad things" in the world. But we must retrain ourselves if we want to transform the world from pain to joy: We must be the joy.

It seems so simple, and yet...

The intellectual understanding of this and the practical application of this are two very very different things. Anyone can pay lip service to this idea. Very few can actually effectively guide their own thoughts and feelings to their own joy consistently and purposefully. Even the naturally joyous in our culture are taught it is not polite or proper to "show off" to "shine" to light up the world!

So our first rule is the hardest for most of us: be gentle on yourself. Rather than finding the flaws (old pattern thinking) look for the gems. In your self. Appreciate , as often as possible, your own powerful unique perspective and your own personal ability to make choices that soften your learned sense of unworthiness. Gradually give up the internal game of beating yourself up for mistakes, recognize that you are in constant motion, use the information you gathered from the "mistake" and move forward into something that feels better.

The better we become at this simple skill, the faster we move into the world and life of our dreams. It's small corrections, over time, into a place where feeling good is the order of our day rather than the exception.

When you forget that that is the aim, simply think of someone really grouchy and ornery that you have encountered in your life and ask yourself if that is what you think you want or not. Of course, you don't want to be that unhappy person. You naturally want to feel good because you innately know you are supposed to feel good. When we don't feel good that feeling of separation from feeling good is what causes us to feel less than good. Only we can feel our feelings. Only we know, and only we have the power to choose and/or change our feelings. No on can do that for us.

In the end, only you will ever really know this journey you are on called your life. Others will experience you from without. But only you will feel and experience the thoughts and feelings which make up your internal perspective of your own life.

That is the ultimate power of perspective. In all life, in all physical experience, resides the awareness which is the source and power of life itself. In humans that awareness if very keen. When we pretend that it is not, or that we are powerless in the face of our own awareness, we deny what is our one true power. The power to choose how we will look at something, and how we will feel about it.

When we rise to the occasion and become willing to care enough about our own feelings to love in spite of circumstances and events, we are completely and utterly free and powerful.

We all have this innate capacity. We could not exist without it.

The one place we retain this knowing is in our cherishing and uplifting and upholding of infants in our culture: we even fight about the "rights" of the unborn!

When we look at those of us who have just arrived on our journey, we find no flaw or fault. We see the evidence of that perfect balance and connection to internal joy intact.

None of us would find a baby guilty. We would not, no matter how hard we looked, find any of the qualities we easily and thoughtlessly hand out in our judgments of adults in our world: pervert, creep, predator, misfit, freak, not human...

We cannot separate ourselves far enough from the evident natural goodness of a baby as we observe it to go to any of those kinds of negative labels. The internal well being of the baby is so powerful that we are enamored of it instantly. We coo and cluck and carry on as if we had never seen a baby before. People stop you on the street and say "Oh my, what a lovely baby!"

When, we finally come to the day when we acknowledge and uphold that internal light in our babies, as they grow to become children and young adults and adults we do what ever is within our power to help that connection remain strong and true by acknowledging the internal power and rightness of the child, we will have mastered, as a race, the power of perspective.

The individual members of our culture will not feel disempowered. They will not "act out" their disempowerment upon other, weaker, smaller or younger individuals. There will be no laws that restrict the individual freedoms of any, for the whole will be a reflection of the one and the one will be a joyful empowered and inspired creative human being.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Advancing the Internal Connection

I suppose it is should not be a surprise to me that my favorite work is what I do on my inner travels.

After all, I've come to understand that the divine is interior to all things...

So it only makes sense that when I go inward my experiences are rich and full of meaning and understandings for me.

I have never practiced this inner travel in a regular routine fashion. It seems I come upon it, and rediscover it, each time my life becomes complex or emotionally challenging.

Then I head off for my "spirit garden" and spend time with my allies, ancestors and spirit guides, coming to the wisdom and knowledge I need just as I need it.

My time in Boston reminded me how easily I dismiss, or forget my access to this world. And how important it is to have a safe space to travel from. Boston, in general, is difficult for me: neither the hospital visits nor the time at mom's condo really being conducive to any sort of inner journeying.

Perhaps in warmer weather I could find a quiet park spot somewhere. But this trip in the snow, that was not happening. Never mind that I transform so much to meet the world where it is that I am not sure I could have accomplished anything useful from there.

Only after I've been home a few days, and I'm settled back into the world of my own creation: my gardens, my animals and family, the warming spring weather of California in early February... do I find my way back to my own inner world.

These places, though not physically "real" within the world of our day to day lives have proven themselves to be more than real than the transitory days and nights of physical reality.

As I travel on the familiar lines of feelings, thoughts and images back to their sacred safe space I am always amazed at their consistency, and their remarkable ability to offer glimpses of my own transformation.

Some would say its only an inconsequential day dream, this travel within the mind... but for me it is the richest of resources, libraries full of the essences of my life.

I can always find willing assistance from allies, grandparents, and others, who seem to know not only the nature of my questions but the nature of those questions I am still working to formulate and understand.

I always return with a clearer understanding of whatever is going on in my life as well as what is going on within me which requires my attention or a new way of looking at my life.

The understandings always lead me to a place of feeling relief and satisfaction. To a place of clarity and a stronger sense of knowing who I am and what I ought to do in the moments that will create the days of my life now before me.

There is plenty of evidence for the reality of the physical world: we can measure it and feel it and interact with it. The inner world has these same cornerstones, but with a difference: in the inner world, those places cherished and loved in the "real world" which may be lost to us "out here" are always waiting, perfect and present and just as we choose them to be.

I sometimes contemplate our position, here on the "leading edge of thought" where "thought becomes manifest reality" and from this place it is easy to see that in many ways, the internal, nonphysical, "dream" scape of our reality is oh, so much the stronger, more stable and, in fact, more real of the two.