Thursday, May 10, 2007

Time Keeps on Slippin'...

The other day riding with Daniel I heard Steve Miller's "Time Keeps on Slippin' Slippin' SLippin' into the future" playing on the radio.

One of those great songs that takes you back in time and makes you think about time in the present all at once. At least for me.

This year seems full of fast action and change and certainly feels as if it is slippin' slippin' by even faster than ever.

Tom was home visiting for more than 2 weeks, which seems plenty of time, except that it's all a memory now. We did get to do some great things. Raku, sailing and dinners out eating great chinese food and fresh fish down at the shore. poof! all past now.

Watching the world turn as Daniel prepares to graduate high school and none of my children are children any longer. Mom slips ever closer to finding the internal resources to let go at last. Nieces and nephews marrying and heading off to college as my own life reshapes for another move into new territory closer to the ocean...

Some years it seems as if life is steady and certain, and the gentle patterns of our lives coninue unchanged and unruffled. This is not that year.


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