Monday, February 06, 2006

Advancing the Internal Connection

I suppose it is should not be a surprise to me that my favorite work is what I do on my inner travels.

After all, I've come to understand that the divine is interior to all things...

So it only makes sense that when I go inward my experiences are rich and full of meaning and understandings for me.

I have never practiced this inner travel in a regular routine fashion. It seems I come upon it, and rediscover it, each time my life becomes complex or emotionally challenging.

Then I head off for my "spirit garden" and spend time with my allies, ancestors and spirit guides, coming to the wisdom and knowledge I need just as I need it.

My time in Boston reminded me how easily I dismiss, or forget my access to this world. And how important it is to have a safe space to travel from. Boston, in general, is difficult for me: neither the hospital visits nor the time at mom's condo really being conducive to any sort of inner journeying.

Perhaps in warmer weather I could find a quiet park spot somewhere. But this trip in the snow, that was not happening. Never mind that I transform so much to meet the world where it is that I am not sure I could have accomplished anything useful from there.

Only after I've been home a few days, and I'm settled back into the world of my own creation: my gardens, my animals and family, the warming spring weather of California in early February... do I find my way back to my own inner world.

These places, though not physically "real" within the world of our day to day lives have proven themselves to be more than real than the transitory days and nights of physical reality.

As I travel on the familiar lines of feelings, thoughts and images back to their sacred safe space I am always amazed at their consistency, and their remarkable ability to offer glimpses of my own transformation.

Some would say its only an inconsequential day dream, this travel within the mind... but for me it is the richest of resources, libraries full of the essences of my life.

I can always find willing assistance from allies, grandparents, and others, who seem to know not only the nature of my questions but the nature of those questions I am still working to formulate and understand.

I always return with a clearer understanding of whatever is going on in my life as well as what is going on within me which requires my attention or a new way of looking at my life.

The understandings always lead me to a place of feeling relief and satisfaction. To a place of clarity and a stronger sense of knowing who I am and what I ought to do in the moments that will create the days of my life now before me.

There is plenty of evidence for the reality of the physical world: we can measure it and feel it and interact with it. The inner world has these same cornerstones, but with a difference: in the inner world, those places cherished and loved in the "real world" which may be lost to us "out here" are always waiting, perfect and present and just as we choose them to be.

I sometimes contemplate our position, here on the "leading edge of thought" where "thought becomes manifest reality" and from this place it is easy to see that in many ways, the internal, nonphysical, "dream" scape of our reality is oh, so much the stronger, more stable and, in fact, more real of the two.


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