Friday, August 11, 2006

Someone Should Say Something To Somebody!

"Someone Should Say Something to Somebody!" may be my absolute all time favorite Abraham quote.

It carries with it the essence of the understanding that there is no controlling of anything outside of the self; and paradoxically, complete and total control of everything within the realm of the thinking feeling experiential self.

We have complete and total control over how we choose to feel about anything; and that is where the line is drawn. Everything else, everything, is outside of our ability to control it.

The funny thing is that you can be aware of this idea or principle for years and still go right on responding to the circumstances and events in your life in such a way as to keep you in bondage. Because the ultimate thing that becomes clear as we go deep into this teaching is simply that: that only you have the power to place yourself in bondage. No one else can do it but you.

and only you can take yourself out of bondage.

Of course if we went around saying things like this people would get mad at us. They would say we were "blaming the victim" but we are not.
That is not what the game is.
The game is getting free. Because once you get free then nothing else ever can take your freedom away again. Once you get free and you understand that it's all you and all your own way of looking at things that either pleases or displeases you, then you can never go back to making it someone else's fault or making yourself the victim. You know better.

You can only fool yourself about things so long as you don't know the game as it plays: once you understand the game, you can't really pretend you don't... not with any real success.

But you can still slide back into not playing on your own team. You can still slip backwards into thinking and feeling sorry for yourself or mad at someone or any of those kinds of things and feel all that stuff that feels no fun and momentarily lose sight of your freedom.

That's when you want to say "Someone Should Say Something to Somebody!"

Of course we want the experiences we want; and of course we are always in the place between the latest new desire and fulfillment of other earlier desires or resistance to them. But we are also capable of simply remembering that we have the power to choose, in every moment, how we will choose to look at things. Whether we will be "for us" or "against us" whether we will be on our own team, or not.

When we realize internally how powerful this choice point is, we have the sense of humor and the ease within us to laugh and say it's all good; because we are, in that moment choosing for our connection, for our own team, for

and not against.

We are so powerful we pull it all in when we "think of it" or "go there" or "daydream". Ancient cultures did not spend time in "dreaming" without awareness and intent of how this works. We seem to have forgotten, most of us. Our own divine natural internal connection and how to hear it. But it is there; or we would not be capable of animating these bodies as we do.

So the next time you think to yourself, "Someone Should Say Something To Somebody" about anything... just stop. And laugh. And realize that the game of life, with all its myriad of possible choices of things to observe, has just tricked you into heading towards what you didn't want, instead of remembering to choose for your own team.

All the action in the world to eliminate evil simply intensifies the energy of focus upon the evil that you seek to destroy. Destruction is a physical characteristic that does not exist in the realm of thoughts and feelings. You cannot destroy evil. You can only become LIFE. You cannot destroy anything. Which is the other trick that life in physical bodies plays on us all the time. We want to "get rid of" our belly fat, our bad hair, our imperfect bodies, our ugliness.

All these things are not changeable in any real way outside of your perspective. And magically, when your perspective changes, they all change too.

So the next time someone sends you an email proclaiming that Someone Should Say Something To Somebody... just laugh and remind yourself that nothing in thought will ever be destroyed. Then do the only thing you really have the power to do:
imagine that whatever the "thing" is that needs "fixing" is simply resolved, is healed. Is free to find its own way without any comment or judgment or opinion or energy from you.

Remember that there is nothing to do that is outside of you that is fixable in those terms, and then simply "fix" the way you choose to feel about whatever it is for yourself. Make your own peace with it, and forget it.
In that moment you will have done more than all those gathering in groups to push it away. Much more.

Seems so simple, really.

When you find yourselves noticing more and more the inequalities, the disasters and the shames that come within your sphere of perception, you add to their existence. This may confound what common sense may tell you. However, concentration reinforces the quality which is concentrated upon.
Jane Roberts/Seth -p.114 Book 6 of The Early Sessions

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Personal is Political

The Personal Is Political

Walking between worlds
as we do...

Our perspectives providing

all the information...

We think
We see
We consider
We be



Not with standing?

Not likely.

Shaped by

Formed in
express response to

of circumstance and


Like a flower.

That is you.

That is me.

That is




underneath this moonlit sky
Looking up, say

"What an amazing color of blue"

and I agree

Neither of us ever
to know.

What hue
the other sees...

We share this moment
This world

and yet

The world we share
is not

of either of us.

it flows between us
like a river

We stand
on opposite banks

As streams of air
and cloud and sky
Trees and hills
Flow by.
