Friday, January 20, 2006

Spiritual or Political Anarchist?

What is the difference between a spiritual or a political anarchist?

One thing.

The political anarchist is in the process of demonstrating what needs to change in the current "what is" condition of the political systems, affairs or whatever, in order for order to be achieved in accordance with the universal principles.

The spiritual anarchist understands that all laws are fulfilled in real time in that which is known as life for all who are the vibrating living beings within it.

There is no separation.

Or, as Seth said, so many years ago...

If you would like to understand your own beliefs and the way you see life, begin to observe that which you call your life.

Simple really.
What is, is. But what is is never more than what has been conjured/expected/believed in by whose involved. And that, dear one, is what is always and forever

no worries
in death
(of which there is not any)
has no worries.

I am walking into a rite of passage.
I will find out
How allowing,
and open
I can be.

I would love to be the platform
from which my mother could spring
whole heartedly

Or, more accurately,
that which we call "death".

And which, contrary to stillness or silence, is


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Well Being Carries the Day

Well being carries the day...

the naked truth of the spiritual anarchist is the raw understanding that the universe is operational in the law of attraction. There is nothing we do not create in our experience.

"If you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it" has its paradoxical twin:

"If you cannot conceive it, never mind believe it, you cannot achieve it.

The limitations of thinking placed on the human mind in our culture are deeper than our bloodlines and express themselves more clearly than our race lines in this physical "reflection" of our attracted creation.

Our limitations are being preformed for us before we can speak. Our expansive responses are their creation. What we do with it, is our inheritance.

It is a straight and hard line to come to terms with the realization that anything in your life already is simply a "what is" of your own past/up until now creation. Not always a pretty sight, doncha know?

Well, so what?

All that is, is simply the combined expectation and realization of those participants interacting within it.

What are you really expecting?

Are you really "afraid"?

Of What?


Once it becomes clear to you that what you feel/think are being in each moment is what is creating into your future what will be, as well as what is...

Didn't it make you want to STOP and RETHINK how YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT THINGS???


I mean...

Once you understood, assuming that you finally did, that what you feel and think about is what becomes your life experience, didn't you feel like you wanted to change the way you thought and felt about yourself and your life?

So how do you do that?

Do you go up to each of the people who you've had these lousy interactions with and say "you know, that was lousy but so what, it's no big deal.. Forget about it."

Or do you simply find a way to feel better right now about what you are doing, and who you are? Right now, without changing anything.

Making peace with the reality that you don't have all the answers yet, that you don't even have all the questions yet, but that that is OK because, you have already had the experiences which have led you to feel differently and to know what you want and you can look toward what you want and walk that road or you can believe anyone who would deny you to do that and say that you cannot look in that direction for some other reason that has nothing to do with you at all.

that is the choice in each moment. How we
inside of who we are
inside of what we are
inside of the I that is inside
for real
about what we
are and
who we
can be

thats all

is Spiritual Anarchy.

Defining Anarchy or Anarchism

It is my personal belief and my life path attempt to live up to a definition of Spiritual Anarchist that I have yet to encounter in the world around me except in snapshot moments. It is my contention that Anarchy, in its truest form is another way of saying Unconditional Love. but then, unconditional love is something that is not heavily promoted in the current cultural bias either...

So what does that look like? It's as simple as simple: I let you do as you please, and you do the same for me. No frills. No judgment, no conditions. None, zero. zip.

(In case you were wondering, adding "so long as it doesn't infringe upon my rights" or some other thing, that is what is known in contract law as a condition. You don't get any of them.

So what is left? Nothing. If you don't get to say or care about anything except choosing what pleases you, and I get the same, then, essentially, we have what we have, already in natural law on a living conscious planet. When we see that as perfect, we are there. When we have even one condition that says it is not perfect, we are not there anymore.

I thought, to start us off on a good solid footing, I'd address the history of the definition of anarchy, because, it is relevant. It is a part of the creative evolution that is our life expression, fleeting as each of us may be, in the larger scheme of things.

This particular article happened to come up in my first search the first time I was thinking deeply about anarchism and anarchy in these new terms and so I thought it was appropriate.

It also has some revelant examples of why it's so pertinent. The words and the awareness of our lives are all in a constant state of motion: that's what life is.

Enough about that. On to:

Defining Anarchism

Anarchism has been defined many ways by many different sources. The word anarchism is taken from the word anarchy which is drawn from dual sources in the Greek language. It is made up of the Greek words av (meaning: absence of [and pronounced "an"] and apxn (meaning: authority or government [and pronounced "arkhe"]). Today, dictionary definitions still define anarchism as the absence of government. These modern dictionary definitions of anarchism are based on the writings and actions of anarchists of history and present. Anarchists understand, as do historians of anarchism and good dictionaries and encyclopedias, that the word anarchism represents a positive theory. Exterior sources, however, such as the media, will frequently misuse the word anarchism and, thus, breed misunderstanding.

A leading modern dictionary, Webster's Third International Dictionary, defines anarchism briefly but accurately as, "a political theory opposed to all forms of government and governmental restraint and advocating voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups in order to satisfy their needs." Other dictionaries describe anarchism with similar definitions. The Britannica-Webster dictionary defines the word anarchism as, "a political theory that holds all government authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocates a society based on voluntary cooperation of individuals and groups." Shorter dictionaries, such as the New Webster Handy College Dictionary, define anarchism as, "the political doctrine that all governments should be abolished."

These similar dictionary definitions of anarchism reflect the evolution of the theory of anarchism made possible by anarchist intellectuals and movements. As a result, dictionary definitions, although fair, only reflect watered down definitions of the word anarchism. Professor Noam Chomsky, in fact, has refuted the definition, as written in the New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, describing anarchism as a "political doctrine." According to Chomsky, "...anarchism isn't a doctrine. It's at most a historical tendency, a tendency of thought and action, which has many different ways of developing and progressing and which, I would think, will continue as a permanent strand of human history." Other modern definitions of anarchism are thoroughly explained, not as a word, but as a history of movements, people and ideas. The Encyclopedia of the American Left, in fact, gives a three page history of anarchism, yet does not once define the word.

Prior to the existence of the word anarchism people used the term "Libertarian Socialism," which meant the same thing as anarchism. Libertarian socialism was used largely by Mexican radicals in the early eighteenth century. William Godwin was the first proclaimed anarchist in history and the first to write about anarchism. He was born in 1756 in Weisbech, the capital of North Cambridgeshire. He later married feminist Mary Wollstonecraft and had a daughter, Mary Shelley - author of Frankenstein. Godwin published a book called Political Justice in 1793 which first introduced his ideas about anarchism, Godwin was forgotten about, however, and after his death Pierre Joseph Proudhon became a leading anarchist figure in the world. His book What is Property? incorporated greater meaning to the word anarchism; anarchism became not only a rejection of established authority but a theory opposing ownership of land and property as well.

Anarchism fully blossomed as a defined theory when Russian anarchists Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) and Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921 started to write and speak. Bakunin had a major influence in the world and introduced anarchism to many people. Kropotkin was one of the many people inspired by Bakunin. Kropotkin wrote many books on anarchism, including Muitual Aid, Fields Factories and Workshops, and The Conquest of Bread, and greatly aided in the evolution of the theory of anarchism. Kropotkin wrote the first adept encyclopedia definition of anarchism in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica in 1910. His definition was fifteen pages long. He started the definition by introducing the word anarchism as:

the name given to a principle of theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government - harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite variety of the needs and aspirations of a civilized being, In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state of its functions.

Following Kropotkin, Leo Tolstory furthered the ideas which make up the meaning of the word anarchism. Tolstoy introduced Christian anarchism (rejecting church authority but believing in God) and broadened anarchism's meaning. Tolstoy, in favor of the growth of anarchism, wrote "The anarchists are right in the assertion that, without Authority, there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions."

As the 20th century emerged anarchism began to peak and the definition of anarchism became concrete with the growth of new anarchist writers and movements. The execution and imprisonment of eight anarchists in Chicago in 1886 sparked anarchism's growth in the United States. The "Haymarket Eight" flourished anarchists such as Voltairine de Cleyre and Lucy Parsons. Parsons was born into slavery and later became an anarchist and an ardent speaker and working class rebel; the Chicago police labled Parsons, "...more dangerous than a thousand rioters." Emma Goldman also became a part of the anarchist movement due to the Chicago Martyrs. Described as a "damn bitch of an anarchist," Goldman also broadened the meaning of anarchism and introduced the greatest and most important ideas of anarchist feminism in history which prevail, as a result of Goldman, to this day.

Emma Goldman's life long comrade, Alexander Berkman, played a major part in helping to define the word anarchism. He wrote a book called ABC of Anarchism which defined and describes anarchism and is still read today. Berkman wrote, "Anarchism means you should be free; that no one should enslave you, boss you, rob you, or impose upon you. It means you should be free to do the things you want to do; and that you should not be compelled to do what you do not want to do."

Anarchism was put into action by giant movements throughout history which proved its definition was more than theoretical. The communal efforts of anarchism were seen in the Paris Commune in the early 19th century, the revolutionary organizing of Mexican working class rebels was proven possible by anarchists such as Ricardo Flores Magon and revolutionaries like Emiliano Zapata, and the Spanish Revolution of 1936-39 proved anarchists' capability of creating anarchism within small sectors of the world. Certainly today we can see anarchism in action in places like Mondragon, Spain, where anarchists are working in collectives and trying to live free of authority.

Although the word anarchism is understood by many in its classic sense (that defined by dictionaries and by anarchists of history), the word is often misused and misunderstood. Anarchism, because of the threat it imposes upon established authority, has been historically, and is still, misused by power holders as violence and chaos. As anarchist historian George Woodcock put it, "Of the more frivolous is the idea that the anarchist is a man who throws bombs and wishes to wreak society by violence and terror. That this charge should be brought against anarchists now, at a time when they are the few people who are not throwing bombs or assisting bomb throwers, shows a curious purblindness among its champions." The claim that anarchism is chaos was refuted long ago by Alexander Berkman when he wrote:

I must tell you, first of all, what anarchism is not. It is not bombs, disorder, or chaos. It is not robbery or murder. It is not a war of each against all. It is not a return to barbarianism or to the wild state of man. Anarchism is the very opposite of all that.

These refutations of stereotypes associated with anarchism are sometimes trampled by the popular misuse of the word anarchism. It is not uncommon for a Middle Eastern nation in the midst of U.S.-imposed turmoil to be labeled by the media as "complete anarchy," a phrase which undermines the true definition of the word anarchism and all those who toiled, and who do toil, to make the word anarchism mean what it does today.

Modern anarchists still work hard to help anarchism maintain its validity and history. Anarchism today is being used to find solutions to the problems of power; not just state power, but corporate power and all immediate forms of domination among individuals and organizations. Anarchists such as L. Susan Brown have introduced ideas such as existential individualism, while other anarchists remain loyal to anarcho-syndicalism and class struggle. Anarchism has also been spread around the world through music and bands such as Crass, introducing anarchism and anti-speciesism and urging self-sufficiency among workers and community members. Other anarchists such as Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin, an ex-Black Panther, are introducing new means of organizing and directly challenging racism. Furthermore, anarchism has become integrated into ecological issues thanks in part to eco-anarchist ideas and freethinking organizations such as Earth First! Also, we see anarchists working to keep anarchism, in theory and practice, alive and well around the world with anarchist newspapers such as Love and Rage in Mexico and the United States, anarchist book publishers such as AK Press in the U.S. and the U.K., and political prisoner support groups such as the Anarchist Black Cross.

As documented, the word anarchism has a long history. Although the word is simply derived from Greek tongue, the philosophy and actions of anarchists in history and present give the word anarchism proper definition.

Dictionary definitions, as quoted, are sometimes fair to anarchism, but far from complete. The misuse of the word anarchism is unfortunate and has been a problem anarchists have had to deal with for the last century. Because of the misuse of anarchism, the simple dictionary definitions of anarchism, and the different interpretations of anarchism the word can take on many meanings, but the truly accurate meaning of the word anarchism can be found in anarchist history, anarchist writings and anarchist practice.

Written by Jason Justice


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